Tuesday, May 26, 2020

What Pros Arent Saying About Write My Paper for Me and What It Means For You

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Friday, May 15, 2020

A Womens Search for Identity in Zora Neale Hurston’s...

â€Å"It’s uh known fact, Pheoby, you got tuh go there tuh know there†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Hurston 192). The theme of identity can be seen throughout Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God, of a story of a women’s journey for self-identification. Through symbolic imagery, such as the pear tree, Janie’s hair, and the horizon, Hurston ultimately shows a women’s quest for her identity. As a young teenager, Janie becomes infatuated with the idea of an idealistic romance: â€Å"She saw a dust-bearing bee sink into the sanctum of a bloom; the thousand sister-calyxes arch to meet the love embrace†¦So this was a marriage!† (Hurston 11). This image represents Janie’s budding sexuality; Janie wants to find the love and affection from a man, that the bees share with†¦show more content†¦One example is when Jody becomes the mayor of Eatonville. The town members want Janie to deliver a speech for the occasion, but Jody denies her this right because â€Å"she’s uh woman and her place is in de home† (Hurston 43). Another example of how Jody deprives Janie of her identity is when he forces her to tie up her hair: â€Å"Her hair was NOT going to show in the store. Joe never told Janie how jealous he was. He never told her how often he had seen the other men figuratively wallowing in it†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Hurston 55). Instead of telling her his feelings he controls her, which causes her spirit to die along with her identity. Janie is finally free from Jody once he passes away which represents her strength. â€Å"She tore off the kerchief†¦let down her plentiful hair. The weight, the length, and the glory was there† (Hurston 87). The weight, the length, and the glory represent the freedom Janie now has from Joe, who has robbed her of her sexuality for 20 years by forcing her to wear the dingy head garments. After Joe’s funeral, Janie burns every head rag she owns as final act liberation, representing the continuation of her quest for her unknown. The horizon is the final symbol Hurston uses to show Janie’s quest for identity, which can be seen throughout the entire novel. Her curiosity for the quest sparks from her over-bearing grandmother, Nanny, who believes marriage is for security and socialShow MoreRelatedThe Harlem Renaissance : The New Negro Movement1459 Words   |  6 PagesTaking place from the 1920’s to the 1940’s, a well-known period of time where black people’s ideas, morals, and customs were adapted and developed was known as the Harlem Renaissance. The main focus of the era for the African Americans was to establish some sort of identity and self-expression through literary, musical, theatrical, and visual arts. 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Zora Neale Hurston’s Their eyes were watching God (1978) and Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway (2000) interplay on the various tribulations of women, throughout the conventions of the romantic quest and the search for identity. The protagonists of both texts are women and experience tribulations of their own, however, unique from the conventional romantic novels of their predecessorsRead MoreFeminist Ideals in Zora Neale Hustron ´s Eyes Were Watching God1430 Words   |  6 PagesAmerica witnessed the birth of the Women’s Rights Movement over 150 years ago with the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848. Since this historic even t, American women have not ceased fighting for equality and free will in every aspect of their lives. While first-wave feminism involved suffrage and political equality, second-wave feminism combatted social and cultural inequalities. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Importance Of Education - 774 Words

A famous quote by Nelson Mandela says â€Å"Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.† Education is powerful, especially now. Education can give people endless possibilities and change futures. Sadly, more and more high school graduates are passing the chance to have a college education. They don’t see the purpose or value anymore. This problem is getting more persistent as years go by. College is still valuable because it grants a higher salary, gives more career opportunities, and teaches lessons. College is still valuable because it helps people earn more money. For example, a study conducted by the Economic Policy Institute showed that college graduates (on average) earn 56% more than people who only graduated†¦show more content†¦However, from an annual study conducted by the consulting firm Accenture, only 67% of college graduates got a career from their field (vs the 84% who expected to get a job in the field) (Price). This fact proves that a good majority of college graduates don’t end up in their desired career after studying it in college. Although, according to a recent BLS study, the unemployment rate for a person over 25 with a bachelors degree is only 2.4%, less compared to the US average 5% (Dickler). The piece of evidence shows how graduates are still more likely to get jobs, even if it isn’t in their desired career. College is still worth it because it teaches more than a major, it teaches life lessons. For example, results from a survey lead by the Pew Research Center showed that 74% of respondents agreed that going to a four-year college helped them to grow intellectually (Is College Worth It?). This demonstrates how college teaches people lessons in college about growing as a person through unique experiences only found in college. In addition, the same survey also showed that 69% of said that they grew and matured as a person thanks to college (Is College Worth It?). This shows how college graduates learned by college experiences and grew by the experiences that you wouldn’t get anywhere else. Yet from another article, it shows 11 life skills people don’t learn in college including negotiating salary, how to doShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Education - Importance Of Education864 Words   |  4 PagesImportance of education When I was younger, I firmly believed that my education didn t matter. During my freshman year I had no attention to pass any of my classes. I could care less because I was an illegal immigrant and all odds of me ever to attend university were nowhere to be seen. This all started when I found out that my big brother was forced to withdraw from his airplane pilot class due to status in this country. It broke my heart to see him break into tears as he was forcedRead MoreImportance Of Education Is Education1277 Words   |  6 Pagesis Education Imagine what the world will be like without education. Malcolm X states that â€Å"without education, you are not going anywhere in this world.† People think they will get through life without education, but little do they know the importance of it. Educated individuals have power because they are able to understand complex info and are more informed to prevent being taken advantage of. It is also a privilege because not everyone has access to education and those who do have education getRead MoreEducation And Its Importance Of Education1255 Words   |  6 PagesErik Olsen Mrs. O’Sullivan English II 3 September 2015 Education and Its Importance Education is an important part of US society and all its issues should be recognized and addressed. Unfortunately this is not the case. Education has many issues and the three most important are the day-one problem, bullying, and high dropout rates. These issues are often a big problem and can lead to an education that does not do the United States justice. The first issue is the day one problem. 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We as students tend to outgrow the day to day lifestyle of forcingRead MoreEducation And Its Importance Of Education1751 Words   |  8 Pages Education and its Importance Education is the destined formation in obtaining the development of the intellectual capacities of individuals. It can be defined as the process of socialization of individuals. Education is one of the most powerful resources to reduce inequality and poverty, it is a natural process associated with growth. On having been educated, a person assimilates and gains knowledge. Education also implies a cultural and behavioral raisingRead MoreImportance Of Education801 Words   |  4 PagesImportance of Education Afnan Jime 9A A man without education is like a building without a foundation -Anonymous Education plays a vital role in shaping the leaders of tomorrow. By acquiring the skills necessary to be productive members, society can become a better nation.They can also increase the knowledge to achieve the public goals actively and meet challenges that can produce change and impact towards citizens. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educatorsRead MoreThe Importance Of Education842 Words   |  4 PagesI am in awe that education is seen as mandatory today compared to the past. How much can one learn if they are being forced? People should indeed have the choice, because after all, this is America- the land of the free. Education is displayed today as the only way a person is going to succeed in this world. To my surprise, the amount of universities have indeed increased an astonishing amount. There must be other ways that the society can have importance. I am truly amazed. In order for a personRead MoreThe Importance Of Education1486 Words   |   6 Pagesgame of life. The value of education is different for human beings. According to some people innovation in education should not be luxury it should be necessity, but on the other hand some people think that education can be gathered without attending schools according to some people book smart are not always smart. From a middle-class family to an upper-class family, education is extremely important in society, as it is the assessing tool for predictable success. Education leads to greater success

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The bond rating of Tesla-Free-Samples for Studetns-Myassignment

Questions: 1.What do you think about Teslas bond rating? 2.Would your answer change if the firm raised an additional $1 billion in bonds to meet production objectives? 3.What is the expected PD (Probability of Default) for Tesla for the next five years? Answers: 1.Depicting about Teslas bond rating: The bond rating of Tesla has not changed after the issue of bonds for $1.8 billion, which indicates the relevant subordinated debt to more senior debt. This directly indicates that the company will portray low priority to the bond in comparison with other bonds. Hence, the bond debt of $1.8 billion that is taken by the company is mainly considered a subordinate debt in comparison with other debt accumulated by Tesla. Chen et al. (2014) mentioned that the identification of bond priority is mainly essential for investor, as it helps in understanding the risk level of their investment. Therefore, the overall bond rating provided by SP and Moodys is mainly same as the firms overall rating, which should not be the same case. The overall bond rating should be reduced, as the debt is mainly considered as subordinated debt to more senior debt. This overall evaluation directly indicates that Tesla during difficult time will focus its priority in senior debt and reduce propriety level of subordinated debt. This could eventually increase the overall risk of the investment for investors and reduce their return generation capacity. Therefore, the rating that is provided by both SP and Moodys for Tesla is relatively higher in nature. Hence, bond rating could be reduced from B- in SP and B3 ratio in Moodys rating to Caa1 in Moodys and CCC+ in SP, as substantial risk is associated with the bond investment. Bonsall (2014) mentioned that use of adequate bond rating directly allows the investors to understand the overall risk level of the investments, which they are conducting. 2.Whether the answer will change if the firm raised an additional $1 billion in bonds to meet production objectives: Yes, from the evaluation of bond rating it could be identified that if Tesla increases the bond value then the rating of the bond needs to be declined further. Firstly, the bond issued by Tesla is mainly a subordinate debt, which has the least priority for the company, if financial position of the company deteriorates. The relevant decline in financial position of the organisation could directly affect returns provided from bond issued by Tesla. In addition, decline in financial performance of the company could directly affect its ability to pay bonds, as the bond is in the high risk yield section (Sinclair 2014). Therefore, the organisation could eventually allow the investors to detect financial stability, which might detect the bond return provided from investment. Hence, the overall credit rating of the organization is relatively declining in nature if additional $1 billion is added to the bond debt of Tesla. Therefore, bond rating is currently viewed at B- in SP and B3 ratio in Moodys rating, which could directly change to Caa1 in Moodys and CCC+ in SP as the bond investment is highly risky. On the other hand, if the overall increment in debt of bond could eventually raise the level of credit rating to Caa2 in Moody and CCC ratio in SP, which depicts the increased risk level associated with investment. The further decline in bond rating is mainly due to extreme speculative nature of the debt, as the company is gathering higher amount of debt, which could directly affect its financial stability. 3. Calculating the expected PD (Probability of Default) for Tesla for the next five years: Particulars Value Treasury (i) 2.05% Corporate (k) 5.30% Probability of repayment 96.91% Probability of default 3.09% From the overall evaluation of the above table relevant probability of default for Tesla could be identified. In addition, the relevant probability of default is relatively lower, which directly indicates that the company will eventually provide the required payments to its bond holders. There if only 3.09% chance for Tesla to default its bond payments according to the calculation of probability default. This could eventually allow the investor to gauge into their investment scope and risk. Leow and Jonathan (2016) mentioned that with the help of relevant investment calculations and rating bond holders are able to detect the financial stability of the organisation to pay back their debt. Hence, from the overall evaluation it could be understood that Tesla will adequately pay its debt incurred from bond within the 8 years of operations. References Bonsall, Samuel B. "The impact of issuer-pay on corporate bond rating properties: Evidence from Moody? s and SP? s initial adoptions."Journal of Accounting and Economics57, no. 2 (2014): 89-109. Chen, Zhihua, Aziz A. Lookman, Norman Schrhoff, and Duane J. Seppi. "Rating-based investment practices and bond market segmentation."The Review of Asset Pricing Studies4, no. 2 (2014): 162-205. Leow, Mindy, and Jonathan Crook. "The stability of survival model parameter estimates for predicting the probability of default: Empirical evidence over the credit crisis."European Journal of Operational Research249, no. 2 (2016): 457-464. Sinclair, Timothy J.The new masters of capital: American bond rating agencies and the politics of creditworthiness. Cornell University Press, 2014. United States Rates and Bonds. 2017.Bloomberg.Com. Accessed November 20 2017. https://www.bloomberg.com/markets/rates-bonds/government-bonds/us.